1) Identify the cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.
- longitudinal : Over time repeated analysis (eg: trend analysis, cohort analysis, Panel). Advantages: reliability (reliability), real change, testing Kausalitätshypthesen
- cross section : One-time, quantitative, as far-reaching investigation (eg: Survey)
2) What is a panel?
A panel is a replicated study to survey the same people. We investigate intra-and inter-individual change. Problems: measurement intervals, consistency of instruments (over time), panel mortality.
3) What are panel effects?
- learning effects in terms of items and interview situation
- Increasing volatility
- change in behavior by the issue onto the
- training settings that were not there before
- Close Relationship between Befragtem_er and Interviewer_in
4) What is an incomplete panel design?
(surveys alternating between two groups) (in particular money-saving measure)
I. alternating panel
II Rotating Panel (once all the questions, divide into groups, then always ask a not)
III. Split panel (panel with cross-sections at certain times)
5) What is a design that allows trend analysis? What is contrast
cohort analysis?
is in both analysis, there are longitudinal studies.
- trend analysis
o ask at different times different individuals of a group the same
o Viewing is the group tendency
o Special modification of the panel designs , but no repeated surveys of the same people.
o Always the same sampling method for detecting the sample
o same operationalization
- cohort analysis (cohort = grades, which serve the determination of the population)
o 2 Möglichkeiten:
§ Intra-Kohorten-Vergleich: Untersuchung, in der Kohorten in wiederkehrenden Zeitabständen auf bestimmte Merkmale hin untersucht werden
§ Inter-Kohorten-Vergleich: Vergleich von versch. Kohorten
6) Grenzen Sie gegeneinander ab: Dauerbeobachtung, Lebensverlaufsforschung, Biographical research.
- permanent observation : Continuous observation of the subjects
- life course : observation of specific aspects, but not necessarily only a
- biographical research : everything is important, can tell, rather in the quality sector
7) Which social science problems are single case studies appropriate?
If ...
... there is only one case
... the access is difficult (eg, sects)
... hypotheses to be generated
But ...
... Problem of generalizability
... no objection, but one must be aware of the restriction
8) What is a secondary analysis?
- it does not own data, but uses existing (eg ALLBUS)
- besondere Vorsicht geboten: passen die Daten für den Zweck? Sind die Daten aktuell? Stimmen die Antwortvorgaben mit der Forschungsfrage überein? Sind die Vercodungen angemessen?
- Quellen: Datenarchive, Statistische Ämter, Prozessproduzierte Daten, Fortgeschriebene Indikatorendatensätze, Forschungsdatenzentren und Servicezentren
9) Netzwerkanalysen: Wie werden Netzwerke beschrieben? Welche Typen von
networks, you know?
- Networks describe social relations
- networks can be described with reference to:
o network perimeter
o network density
o centrality
o network clusters, segments
o be distinguished socially weak / strong links
o ego-centered and multiplex networks
- Graph Theory, Sociometry
- different networks:
10) Describe a possible empirical approach to the collection of egocentric networks with questionnaires.
11) Describe the possible procedures for the collection of ego-centered
networks with question formation!
General Survey Procedure in surveys
- three-best-friends-method
- name generator
- computer surveys
- snowball method
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