Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How Long Dohemorrages Last

Thema IV: Wissenschaftstheorie II

   first Imagine the problem of induction dar.     

- basic problem is a theory of knowledge

- also referred to as the Hume's problem

- relates to the question of whether and when a final induction of individual cases to a general law is allowed. Problem:

first Large number (which is a large number of the observed quantity?)

second variation of the conditions (which conditions are relevant?)

third logical consistency (no recourse to theories)

- Conclusion: Induction is not suited as a basis for science, that deduction

    second Write three and three non-falsifiable falsifiable sentences on!      
   3 x falsifiable:     
     -          Wednesday it never rains.      
     -          All substances expand in heat.      
     -          When a light beam reflected from a plane mirror, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle.      
   3 x not falsifiable:     
   - Wednesday it's raining or not.     
   - In sports betting, luck in the game     
   - Always when Zeus is angry lightning, and thunders    .     
    third ?      

4th What is meant by Hugo Dingler Exhaustion?

It may oppose the will of the researchers 'differences' between the

under a theoretical acceptance and practical empirical

research exist (reality). These "deviations" to force the researchers

but not "immediately" to modify or to abandon the

theoretical assumption. He is rather stable at the contention that a

validity of its adoption and will remain the "deviations" disturbing to » attributed to circumstances "

he includes in his theoretical assumption. This

method of maintaining the validity of contention despite differing

empirical findings we call "with DINGLER" Exhaustion. The method

Exhaustion of the assertion of the validity of a theory is to make empirical

to data independent.

5. Wann ist die Rettung von Theorien durch Ad-hoc-Hypothesen und ceteris-paribus Behauptungen wissenschaftstheoretisch möglich?

       -                          i        n einem Experiment wird immer nur eine Einflussgröße verändert, während alle anderen konstant gehalten werden, um genau deren Einfluss bestimmen zu können.       
       -                        Die   Ceteris-paribus-Klausel   stellt einen Weg dar, vereinfachte Modelle der Wirklichkeit hinsichtlich to consider the impact of changes in individual parameters and to evaluate.     
    -        An ad hoc hypothesis is one created for the individual case research assistant construction with the purpose of a theory against their contradictory observations support.     
    6th      points     the historical point of view of science Thomas Kuhn dar.     

- Structure of Scientific Revolutions

- science does not run "non-inductive" and " rational "

- science runs intermittently and not accumulative, is a series of crises

- (release paradigm, puzzles) on-the-science à Normal science à crisis à Revolution à new normal science à new crisis à etc.

   7th To what extent is the theory of Kuhn's a problem for the Philosophy of Science?     

- basic assumption: the whole theory of systems are considered, decisions of a "scientific community"

- for Kuhn, decisions historically and cultural reasons, not rational!

- result Thus, the following problems for the Philosophy of Science:

o Missing rationality

o Inkommenssurabilität the paradigms

o discontinuity

o science theory fails of its object

    8.What goes Imre Lakatos, under the methodology of scientific      
    research programs?      
     -          not individual scientific statements (naive falsificationism), not theories (sophisticated falsifiability), but levels of theories (see Kuhn)      
     -          hard core of a research program  positive     
    and -           -      
   protective belt of background theories, auxiliary hypotheses, observational theories            negative heuristics      
     -          progressive and degenerative change problem (problem shifts)      
     -          theory dynamics (knowledge growth)      
   9th ?     

10th What does progressive and degenerative problem under Lakatos Change?

- progressive change problem : a new theory should always be an epistemological and empirical content surplus with the old theory have

- degenerative problem changing : degenerative all problem shifts that are not progressive.

- Unlike Kuhn Lakatos considers that different research programs can be rationally compared and discussed. Lakatos considered progress of science, however, not as a continuous approximation to the truth, but as a number of problem shifts that can get us on the next level.


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