first Name the 12 Steps in an empirical research project.
(1) selection of the problem
(2) choice of a scientific theoretical position
( 3) concept formation and theory construction
(4) determining the Study (design) and research proposal
(5) concept specification, operationalization
(6) development of measuring instruments ; questionnaire construction
(7) theory and practice of selection of study units
(8) interviewer training, pre-test and improve
(9) data collection
(10) data capture, data cleansing
(11) data analysis and models
(12) publication and criticism
second Close in basic research compared to applied research.
- basic research : production and reproduction as universal knowledge; description (diagnosis) and explaining social Sachverhalte und Zusammenhänge
- Angewandte Forschung : soll Ergebnisse liefern, die bei aktuellen Entscheidungsprozessen verwertet werden können
3. Wie wählen Sie eine wissenschaftliche Grundposition für eine Forschungsarbeit?
- Verschiedene Grundpositionen: empirisch-analytische Methodologie, hermeneutisch-dialektisches Approach, high-vs. decide
research practices of the problems in her - - Quantitative Research
most use is made of both methodologies
- ? One has to be aware that there are different epistemological base positions. That is, you have to know these positions and the associated Methods dominate.
- However, it should be no dogmatic preference for this or that position, but the choice depends on the research problem. Some topics require "hermeneutics", others the "empirical-analytic" approach and to quantify and usually you need both.
4th Reconstruct the schema of causal explanation.
- starting from the causal law: universal connection between cause and effect
- cause occurs before effect
- A general law that the facts stated as the effect of B (If A then B)
- But not every statement in full
- Hempel-Oppenheim-Schema kausaler Erklärung:
Explanandum | Explanans |
Beschreibung des zu erklärenden Ereignisses |
The students have to learn ... | ... because they write an exam in SWM. |
5th What is the empirical research under "Type of Investigation" and "Design"?
- all the methods that are applied in a study
- questions about the layout, such as, "Who or what is to be studied?", "Is logged as?", "Once or several times?", "New added or existing material?" "Identical units?", "orally, in writing, by phone, online?", "lab or experiment?", "open or closed?", "present retrospective or", "cross-sectional or longitudinal?
- choice of design depends on: defining the research objectives, level of knowledge, research resources
6th What is the empirical research under the concept of operationalization? Give two examples.
- assignment of indicators to empirical concepts
- measurement rules
7. Was versteht man unter Konzeptspezifikation?
- Konkretisierung allgemeiner Begriffe, d.h. zumeist Einschränkung des Bedeutungshorizonts
- Dimensionen, die erfasst werden sollen
8. Was versteht man unter der Auswahl der Untersuchungseinheiten?
- Samples should represent the total population, should allow the unbiased estimation of parameters of the population, should offer the possibility error probabilities (Kontingenzintervalle) indicate
- choice of a selection principle: random selections, conscious choices, arbitrary choices
- decision for a sample design: Quota procedures, random route procedures, address sample of registration offices, telephone book sample
9th What will make a pre-test and what forms of pre-test you know?
- pre-test: A test under real conditions, approximately 20-40 interviews, change of wording, survey tools, sequence, time estimation
- If Provide information on: understanding the issues, problems of the respondents with their work, interest and attention of respondents to each question and overall well-being of the respondents (respondent well-being), frequency distribution of responses, order of questions, context effects, problems of the interviewer, technical problems, time duration of the interview
- two types: Standardbeoachtungspretest (classical pretest) and cognitive Pretestverfahren
i. "classic pre-test": one-time testing of the questionnaire and realistic conditions, interviewers should observe problems and anomalies and report, usually a passive process ("observation case-test"); underlying principle: trying out the reaction to draw inferences from the respondent's understanding of his question
ii. Cognitive tests: "active techniques, respondents are asked to explain how their answers came about and how they understand concepts and formulations of a question, well suited to detect problems and understanding
10th Name 6 types of cognitive pre-tests. (M. Large This is a question but are not good)
- Think Aloud : method of thinking aloud.
- Probing : Demands aims to get more / accurate information on contributions.
- Paraphrasing : respondent is to be repeated to answer the question the question text with your own words.
- Confidence Rating : Respondents rated the degree to answer the question of the reliability of its answer, generally using a scale.
- Sorting method : assorted respondent concepts / content to their own criteria (free sort ) or according to predetermined criteria ( sort dimensional ).
- Response Latency : Technology that measures the time between presentation of the question and answer. Long reaction times are interpreted as an indicator of deficiencies question.
11th What is an "encryption" in the opinion polls?
- transfer to the computer using Codeshemata (Code Sheets), coding = coding of closed and of open answers (thus, possible data loss)
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