Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Does Medicaid Cover Abortions In Michigan

Thema V: Forschungsdesign I

   first Imagine starting the Hempel-Oppenheim schema of causal explanation and an example of formal dar.     

of causal law: universal connection between cause and effect; Cause happened before the effect. A general law (nomos) that the facts stated as the effect of B (If A then B).

explanandum: Description of the to be resolved event (eg, the road is wet, ...)

explanans: 1) sentences that describe the condition

2) General laws

example ... because it's raining

concrete example that is: the road is wet, weil es regnet.

2.Wie würden Sie das Ziel einer jeden empirischen Forschungsunternehmung

     Ziel ist immer die Erklärung von Tatsachen. Ein Forschungsdesign muss deshalb möglichst so ausgelegt sein, dass wir möglichst viele Erklärungen ausschließen können.          

3. Was ist eine Erkundungsuntersuchung und was ist eine Erklärungsuntersuchung? Discuss advantages and disadvantages!

A sensing investigation is an evaluation research: development of a little-known field of research, usually preliminary to the larger and more structured main study (Question: What is the case?)

question in declaration investigations How can the observed facts (causal) explanation.

   4th Explain how the three basic types of a social science research design.     

- fieldwork : In field research, the systematic researching cultures or specific groups understood by themselves in their habitat moves and the everyday life of people temporarily divided. Using one or more informants and are targeted by authorities and question participant observation worth knowing information on the crop or Group collected.

- laboratory investigation : Often in the laboratory, a context-independent behaviors studied, the lab creates an artificial environment. Laboratory tests are generally easier to implement, but there is the problem of large numbers

- vs experiment. Ex-post facto design : Ex-post facto research relates to investigations, the potential causes in the past are and their potential UV-variation by the researcher only acceptable, but could not be made. Experimental research is planned and then carried out. Ex-post facto research started when everything is already gone (after the fact). Some variables could be made more active, corresponding realizations ban, however, for ethical reasons (eg impact of kidnappings and bomb attacks on the genesis of fear). Ex-post-factum designs are often the only form of investigation, either because you can not control conditions or they are not ethically justifiable


5th What is the survey design? Use You can do so!

(is not equal to the term research design but is itself a kind of research design!)

The survey design, the stimulus not specifically set by the researcher, since he is already without the intervention of the researcher at the interviewee and his / her present lifestyle. It can therefore not be controlled.

There is the SD control group, since then, can be formed on the basis of the values of the variable t from the first expression of two groups. A conclusion on the effectiveness of the stimulus is possible But unlike the disposable measuring very secure.


6th Explain the advantages and disadvantages that a before-after measurement of a control group has a survey design over!

The survey design needs a trick by the presence of antecedent conditions to be determined later. The biggest advantage to a before-after measurement with the control group compared with a survey design has, but that the SD does not explicitly first measurement took place before the stimulus. VNM are general disadvantages of confounding factors such as between temporal events, change the person or the test-retest effect.

7th You want to check the simple sociological hypothesis that the personal income increases satisfaction with the perceived proportion of welfare recipients in the Federal Republic. How would you proceed?

take before and after measurement. Certain groups of people selected to interview should be representative. Q: Do you agree with her Income satisfied? "After some time, and a clear increase or decrease in the number of welfare recipients re-interview the same people. Then hypothesis based on the answers check.


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