data collection methods II
Block I
first What forms of written survey it?
without the presence of the interviewer:
- postal survey
- Questionnaire deliver in person and pick them up (drop-off)
- CSAQ: computer-assisted-self-administrated questionnaire-
in the presence Interviewer
- group interviews (as an aid in oral interviews on sensitive issues, any written questions will be provided)
- Interview
second What are some advantages, the mail survey compared with oral inquiry may have. What are the drawbacks?
- Cost
- low survey effort
- no influence by interviewers (but no support)
- self-determined fill
- Anonymity
- Accessibility
- high default rates
- no control of the situation
- length limit
- interviewers can not help compulsion to self-explication
3. Skizzieren Sie ein mögliches Design für Datenerhebung einer schriftlichen Befragung!
Möglich wäre ein Zusenden des Fragebogens, der nach den Grundsätzen der Total Design Method erstellt wurde, vielleicht verbunden mit Aussicht auf eine Belohung (keine Werbegeschenke, interessant vor allem für höhere Schichten oder Firmen ist die Aussicht auf das Zustellen der Auswertung der Befragung). Es sollte mit dem Fragebogen ein Brief mitgeschickt werden, in dem Fragen nach Anonymität, Auswertung, Untersuchungszielen, Auftraggeber, Instruktionen Returning to be clarified and the like (FAQ;? sales trick or publicity stunt What does this have to do with me and my problems Is it worth it are difficult questions (SHE)?). After a week you should send a reminder to you for completing the questionnaire. After three weeks, another reminder letter with a new questionnaire to those without reflux. After seven weeks, then still a new questionnaire by certified mail to all other persons who have no questionnaire returned.
4th What is the total design method?
The inclusion of all external factors in the design of the questionnaire to the stamp. A postal survey should make a professional impression. The letter should be signed personally. One should use large paper. The questionnaires should be clear and self explanatory. Additionally, they should produce the respondents have a good cost-benefit sense.
Block II
first What are the advantages of telephone surveys?
- cheap and faster than oral interviews
- less suspicion when access
- simple random sampling
- researchers closer to the field
- no filter error, no error in the Verkodung, consistency checks during the interview
second How to draw a random telephone sample? What contrast is random digit dialing?
- Phone Book overdraft
Random digit dialing: all numbers chosen randomly
- difficult in Germany wg. Number structure
- that mod. RDD:
- random selections of local and cleanup
- random selection is not empty blocks
- RDD within the non-empty blocks
3 . What is Top Load Digit, what are its advantages and disadvantages?
- last digit is randomly selected
- advantage: great hit rate, cost-and time-saving
- disadvantage: unknown inclusion probabilities
4. Warum sind Telefonbuchstichproben nicht wirklich Zufallsauswahlen?
Nicht jeder ist in Telefonbüchern eingetragen (systematische Ausfälle?).
5. Was ist ein CATI? Welche Funktionen hat es?
- computer assisted telephone interview
- Funktionen: automatische Filterführung, formale Tests for valid response levels Pausibilitätstest during the interview, sequence effects can be minimized, data collection, interview duration decreases
6th What is a CSAQ?
computer-assisted self-administrated questionnaire (eg, at trade shows, pedestrian surveys, exhibition visitors)
7th What information should an interviewer at the beginning of a telephone give interviews?
- Identität des Anrufenden, Namen nennen
- Auftraggeber
- Name der Studie
- Grund / warum ich?
- eventuelle Belohnung angeben
- ( Anonymität / Datenschutz ansprechen)
- Dauer der Befragung
8. Was versteht man unter CAPI und was ist CSAQ?
CAPI: computer assisted personal interview
Block III
first What is an online research?
research on the web.
reactive methods:
- questionnaire survey on the Internet, such as email, the web, in newsgroups, in chat rooms, mailing lists etc
- online interviews (rarely)
- would itself have a "reaction of a people", eg log file analysis, observations, content analysis
second Describe the methodological problem that the online survey entails ?
There is no certainty as to how the respective sample composed as
first unknown population and 2 unknown self-selection process, thus generalizations to the target population is not possible
third What is self-selection in an online survey?
- stage: not all web users take a call about the survey at all true ("Awareness" factors)
- level: survey attention of users depending on subject and personal interests ("intention to participate Factors ")
- level: so-called clicker (participation decision-relevant Faktoren)
- Stufe: Teilnehmer (aber einige steigen noch aus, sog. „Drop-Out-Phänomene“)
- Stufe: Vollständige Teilnahme
4. Vorteile und Nachteile von Online-Forschung.
Vorteile | Nachteile |
kurze Feldzeiten | notice, issue of advertising and spamming |
rapid availability | coverage bias (low coverage) |
complex survey design (eg by filter operator) | unknown population, no clear lists for sampling |
data on consultation process (eg time aspect in general and for individual questions) | self-selection |
Low cost (for Forscher_innen) | multiple participation (better ., competitions) |
automatic processing of data | ENTERTAINMENT |
| (Un-)Sicherhit im Internet / Datenschutz / Anonymität |
andere Herausforderungen der Online Forschung:
- neuartiges technisches know-how erforderlich
- stärkere Bedeutung von Präsentation, Design und Layout
- Datenqualität (Zustand des Befragten, Umgebung, Anwesenheit Dritter etc.)
5. Welche reaktiven Formen der Online-Befragung gibt es?
- Fragebogenuntersuchung im Internet, z.B. per Email, im Web, in Newsgroups, in Chats, Mailinglisten etc
- online interviews (rarely)