Saturday, November 20, 2010

How To Build Lego Lord Of The Rings Characters

Dekkers is tuned

oder warum sollte der jetzt verkündete Arbeitsplatzabbau nur die Bereiche Pharma und Pflanzenschutz treffen? Nur hier sollen lt. Dekkers 4.500 Stellen gestrichen werden, um 800 Mio. EUR zu sparen. Gleichzeitig aber genehmigt Dekkers den Plastikkochern bei BayerMaterial Science, dem Konzern regelmäßig die Rendite zu verhageln?

Bei der Umsatzrendite the large pharmaceutical company Bayer is cut off at 4.4% (2009):

Roche 15.9% 17.3%

Pfizer Sanofi-Aventis Novartis
18% 19% 19.5%
Merck & Co .
47% (Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 11.20.2010, p. 11)

a comparison of the Bayer divisions: internal columns, was already presented for 2008 here ->

slip road on which Bayer as it becomes clear look one time over at VW. The times just yesterday announced an investment plan of 52 billion! EUR to, "German works at the center."

A Bayer, however whole with its plastic business further around on technologies, the 50s in the years of the last century were all the rage once, but today only a scream. Keywords: CO-gas pipeline for EUR 50 million, driven by residential areas is where the "prior art" and "commitment to the location NRW". Sirens are for them means of communication to its neighbors, the venom between the old kitchen (Bayer Chempark lovingly called) settled in the Rhineland to report the toxic concentrations in exhaled air.

2010 considers that no more! Maybe it's Dekkers similar, especially the pollution of the oceans, the de facto repository for the millions of tons of polycarbonate, polyurethane, etc., cooked together, year after year by the Bayerplastikern, jederzeit international als umweltpolitischer Skandal hochkochen kann. Spätestens wenn die Albatrosse an dem Zeugs verreckt sind...

Was soll man da sanieren? Gutes Geld schlechtem hinterher werfen? Besser verkaufen!


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