Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ssc Utlity Epson 4400

Lostopf November & December 2010

December 2010

Challenge 18
first Paula
second Hero-Link
third Nela
4th Uschi
5th Jessi
6th Heike
7th clarissa
8th Juny84
9th DREA
10th Stibbe

Challenge 19

01. Stefanie
02. Stibbe
03. Jessi
04. Heike
05. Uschi
06. pecreativ
07. Frieda
08. bastelgrisu
09. Wuzimädi
10. hellerlittle
11. Birgit Schröder
13 years. Hafitante
14. PureGold
15. Clarissa
16. Seija
17. elborgi
18. Andrea

November 2010

1. Mareikje
2. Jessi
3. Elborgi
4. Petra
5. Nicola
6. Patty
7. Nela
8th Zauberhaft2001
9th Sanne
10th Tina
11th Andrea
12th TastenHasi
13th Heike
14th Uschi
15th Juny84
16th Biggie
17th Martha
18th Mondy
19th stamp mausi
20th elborgi
21st 22nd patty
23rd Hafitante
24th PokSa
25th Martha
26th bibi
28th Doris P.
29th Stibberle
30th Paula
31st pure gold
32nd Juny84
33rd Nicola
34th Manuela
35th bastl wastl
36th Divarah
37th Tashi

Guest Battery Charger Reviews

Balisa Challenge 18 ~ Gift Tags ~ to 13/12/2010 November 2010

Hello love her!

go on it for the 18th Balisa Challenge!
want on nights two weeks we see
gift tags
of you.
Whether Christmas or for another occasion!

Please read the terms and conditions !
Each participant will receive a ticket for the December Lostopf!


With a click on the name of the designer,
you come to her blog and you can look at her!


Die tollen Werke unserer GastDesigner

Von Jopa

Von Doreen

Von Anke


An der Auslosung nehmen nur Werke teil,
1. die mit DIREKTLINK bei Mister Linky in diesem Beitrag verlinkt sind.
(Direktlink = Ein direkter Link zu euerm Werk, nicht nur zu eurem Blog!!! )
second The guidelines reflect
third Something canceled include
4th And do not forget to mention your post to this challenge: o)
Should there be problems with Mister Linky, but please
then posts the direct link to your post as a comment!

participant contributions

Monday, November 29, 2010

Tight Underwear Growth

Hello love her!
Now I want you, but no more tension on the rack. The place
Lostopfliste for the month of November, you

And the winner of the November surprise price is ...

... the number 17!

eMail Our diligent participant Martha!

Congratulations, dear Martha!
Please send me your address where you known email addy!

knuddelz * * Anke

After Interview How Long Did Green Card Came?

winner in the November Lostopf ...

Hello love her!

The 17th Balisa Challenge is over and I can throw
20 pieces of paper for the November draw in the pot!

Mondy, stamp Mausi, elborgi, patty, Mandy,
Hafitante, PokSa, Martha, bibi, STASTNA, Doris P.,
Stibberle, Paula, pure gold, Juny84, Nicola,
Manuela, bastl wastl, Divarah & Tashi

So then are 37 pieces of paper in Lostopf!

The winner of the month of November will be announced on 05.12.2010 at the latest

The new challenge will start no later than tomorrow afternoon!

We are looking forward to many great works from you!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Solia Hair Straightener

pull the stock market in the plastics division

1700 jobs are now to be surprisingly made in Germany at Bayer's flat. As far as the first Christmas message of the new CEO Marijn Dekkers to his dear people.

We remember the current framework: the economy is booming, the rival BASF does for the next five years, layoffs, lack of skilled workers everywhere, demographic crisis wg. Shortage of new recruits.

Dekkers has apparently understood in his time as a "best paid intern of the group" under Werner Wenning something wrong. What Dekkers now corresponds to presents its employees as first light clean-finger exercise in the style of the new interpretation of "public interest" under Werner Wenning to make the return to in Nachkommastellenbereich flexible. Only the old man wedged around outside the factory fence, with poison gas lines through residential areas - the whole thing as an excessive commitment to the location NRW pseudo-religious, and time off for the CDU, FDP, SPD and all the other IGBCElern.

forgotten: the IGBCE lobbyierte und feierte gerne, laut und aggressiv mit. Man gab sich das Image einer Hausgewerkschaft die dem Chef sagen darf wo der Hammer hängt..

Solange die Konzernleitung nur draußen vor den Werkstoren rumräubert ist ja auch leicht Zustimmen. Da unterstützen die IGBCE Kollegen im Landtag gerne auch eine Politik gegen die eigenen Nachbarn, die im Zweifel halt hilflos am Bayer-Giftgas ersticken. Dank oder sogar wegen der IGBCE ist es seither ja auch ganz offiziell ins Rohrleitungs-Gesetz gegossen: zum „Wohl der Allgemeinheit“.

Doch jetzt kommt da der international gefeierte Sanierer Dekkers daher und pfeift was auf die IGBCE. Und plötzlich sitzen diese Selbstüberschätzer-Gewerkschafter mit den Gegnern der CO-Giftgasleitung in einem Boot. Wenigstens aus der Sicht des neuen Bayer Managements: freie Verfügungsmasse im globalen Monopoly – ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste – natürlich – klar - wie immer - zum Wohl der Allgemeinheit – was sonst - sozialverträglich eben.

IGBCE - "Willkommen" im Club.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Spring Break Singles Cruise

ice blue

ice blue is a collaboration Felix Raue ( 2zu1 ) and Stephan Hempel ( el'hemp animations ). computer animation, visualization and visual effects are our specialty. We make Architkturvisualisierungen, technical visualizations, on-air and information design and work in the departments computer games and film. www.eisblau.de

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How To Build Lego Lord Of The Rings Characters

Dekkers is tuned

oder warum sollte der jetzt verkündete Arbeitsplatzabbau nur die Bereiche Pharma und Pflanzenschutz treffen? Nur hier sollen lt. Dekkers 4.500 Stellen gestrichen werden, um 800 Mio. EUR zu sparen. Gleichzeitig aber genehmigt Dekkers den Plastikkochern bei BayerMaterial Science, dem Konzern regelmäßig die Rendite zu verhageln?

Bei der Umsatzrendite the large pharmaceutical company Bayer is cut off at 4.4% (2009):

Roche 15.9% 17.3%

Pfizer Sanofi-Aventis Novartis
18% 19% 19.5%
Merck & Co .
47% (Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 11.20.2010, p. 11)

a comparison of the Bayer divisions: internal columns, was already presented for 2008 here ->

slip road on which Bayer as it becomes clear look one time over at VW. The times just yesterday announced an investment plan of 52 billion! EUR to, "German works at the center."

A Bayer, however whole with its plastic business further around on technologies, the 50s in the years of the last century were all the rage once, but today only a scream. Keywords: CO-gas pipeline for EUR 50 million, driven by residential areas is where the "prior art" and "commitment to the location NRW". Sirens are for them means of communication to its neighbors, the venom between the old kitchen (Bayer Chempark lovingly called) settled in the Rhineland to report the toxic concentrations in exhaled air.

2010 considers that no more! Maybe it's Dekkers similar, especially the pollution of the oceans, the de facto repository for the millions of tons of polycarbonate, polyurethane, etc., cooked together, year after year by the Bayerplastikern, jederzeit international als umweltpolitischer Skandal hochkochen kann. Spätestens wenn die Albatrosse an dem Zeugs verreckt sind...

Was soll man da sanieren? Gutes Geld schlechtem hinterher werfen? Besser verkaufen!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Travestie Baeuty Saloon

The Weimar Advent

... to break up! 16 Weimar illustrators keep every day from 1 to 24 December a Wallpaper surprises. 24 Wonderful pictures in hiding between the pages of the calendar.

It is available in in Weimar schauschau , im Bauhausshop und der Eckermann-Buchhandlung oder direkt bei uns in der Kreativ-Etage in Raum 33.

What Can You Give A 4 Month Old With A Dry Cough

The ILLUMAT Calendar 2011 is here!

The illustration machine has for each day of the year 2011, a poetic or humorous, serious or entertaining, funny or subtle drawing ready.
result is the spontaneous drawings in minutes in live action of the ILLUMAT from the wishes and ideas of his audience. Heart and hand of the charming machines are illustrators from Weimar.
This Calendar shows a selection of images with the best wishes and ideas!

Holt you calendar!
In Weimar bei uns in der Kreativ-Etage in Raum 33, im schauschau , im Bauhausshop und der Eckermann-Buchhandlung . In der Welt  beim fantastischen Mückenschwein-Verlag !

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fastest Antivirus Start

Balisa Challenge # 17 ~ Sketch by ~ Sundownerin to 11/29/2010

Hello love her!

We reserve the Kirstin / TastenHasi
happy now the Balisa Challenge team as a DT member

goes on there on the 17th Balisa Challenge!
on nights two weeks we want to see
cards for the sketch of Sundownerin of you.

With a click on the name of the designer,
you come to her blog and you can look at her!


The great works of our guest designer

Von Jopa

Von Doreen
Von Franzi