Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Does Support Hose Do

The Financial Times Germany has already headlined on 09/23/2010: " Despite sanctions, BASF and Bayer keep Iran loyalty "

Where the other ger companies such as ThyssenKrupp, Linde, Siemens, Daimler, Munich Re or its alliance commitment Iran back down or completely set, makes a Bayer Group - avowedly! (FTD) - just continue "business as usual", as it had nothing to do so in Leverkusen.

Mind you, this is about a United Nations sanction, supported by Germany -> eg mirror and - ultimately - will soon be fought by our soldiers ...

Bayer is challenging the apparently not: What do the Ayatollah already bad with plastic scraps of Bayer's plastics subsidiary BMS?

clear - in NRW - because polycarbonate is of course essential. Here thousands of jobs depend on the material (leaves they proclaim the home for years at Bayer union IG BCE). Without breaking polycarbonate from Bayer / Bayer MaterialScience here all together - tells the CO gas line Group: Bayer, BMS, IGBCE / DGB / FDP & Friends.

Or is the story somewhat differently: Germany's politicians are not / were never able to bring a monopolist such as Bayer to reason ...

Bayer was essential as there were no Federal Republic and not a North Rhine-Westphalia. Does it have to be there for us not a question of honor, as a citizen - especially in the Rhine - to "understand" intuitively that a Bayer CO poison gas line through our cities can only be right, not just ours, but to The public good?

In the case of Iran may still be the Germany of the sacrifices already "outsourced" so it is no longer forced to go to the federal government, the military service should be so exposed ...

Analog CO pipeline: as with the operating risk of uncontrolled gas eruption indeed not a chemist at Bayer in many cases within a secure plant site but - outsourced - the vulnerable citizens out in the street.

And all for the public good!


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