Sunday, October 31, 2010

Used Leroi Cub Basic Compressor

Balisa Challenge # 16 ~ ~ to color combo 11/13/2010

Hello love her!

goes on there at the 16th Balisa Challenge!
want on nights two weeks we
works in the following color combo look of you.
respected Please Conditions !

With a click on the name of the designer,
you come to her blog and you can look at her!


The great works of our guest designer

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pasta Express Manual And Recipe Book


As long does is usually good. I am very satisfied with the Lo.
I hope Mama and little Brittany Nico are the same!

Credits: Kit "Purity of the soul" by "Filedesiles design" Pics by Britta

Lines Under Bearded Dragon Belly

Falling Magic

I do not know how long ago, I think ages ago I was Dan a access to Mika's photo gallery added. I have unfortunately only now made the little man to verscrapen.
I hope you like it and the mom :-)
Credits: Kit "Falling Magic" by "Magical Reality Designs", Pic by Dana

Wedding Reception Card Wording Vegetarian

On television

A small contribution of young illustrators in the MDR.
Alexander von Knorre and Rosa left in Weimar in conversation with an old hand, the cartoonist Nel from Erfurt, Thuringia exclusive -. The Magazine - The post is up to 27.10.2010 in the online Library of MDR.

We are in the middle of the contribution of books to find.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Does Support Hose Do

The Financial Times Germany has already headlined on 09/23/2010: " Despite sanctions, BASF and Bayer keep Iran loyalty "

Where the other ger companies such as ThyssenKrupp, Linde, Siemens, Daimler, Munich Re or its alliance commitment Iran back down or completely set, makes a Bayer Group - avowedly! (FTD) - just continue "business as usual", as it had nothing to do so in Leverkusen.

Mind you, this is about a United Nations sanction, supported by Germany -> eg mirror and - ultimately - will soon be fought by our soldiers ...

Bayer is challenging the apparently not: What do the Ayatollah already bad with plastic scraps of Bayer's plastics subsidiary BMS?

clear - in NRW - because polycarbonate is of course essential. Here thousands of jobs depend on the material (leaves they proclaim the home for years at Bayer union IG BCE). Without breaking polycarbonate from Bayer / Bayer MaterialScience here all together - tells the CO gas line Group: Bayer, BMS, IGBCE / DGB / FDP & Friends.

Or is the story somewhat differently: Germany's politicians are not / were never able to bring a monopolist such as Bayer to reason ...

Bayer was essential as there were no Federal Republic and not a North Rhine-Westphalia. Does it have to be there for us not a question of honor, as a citizen - especially in the Rhine - to "understand" intuitively that a Bayer CO poison gas line through our cities can only be right, not just ours, but to The public good?

In the case of Iran may still be the Germany of the sacrifices already "outsourced" so it is no longer forced to go to the federal government, the military service should be so exposed ...

Analog CO pipeline: as with the operating risk of uncontrolled gas eruption indeed not a chemist at Bayer in many cases within a secure plant site but - outsourced - the vulnerable citizens out in the street.

And all for the public good!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why Is My Maltese Dog's Lip Pink?

Winners Challenge # 14 & bye: o (

Do not worry, I have not forgotten you.
Here comes the winning project
the 14th Balisa Challenge

Congratulations, dear Heike!
Please send your data to the below email / contact address hinterlegete!


Unfortunately, it needs to Balisa design team
goodbye to two great members.

Inge love, love Kiki ...
thank you for your great support during the first 15
Balisa Challenge's!

We would wash you all the best
and would be happy once again a work of
you admire in a Balisa Challenge
allowed to!

knuddelz * * Anke & the design team

Stiff Neck Gets Worse As The Day Goes On


Credits: Kit "Beauty of Autumn" by "High Four Design", Pic by me

Monday, October 18, 2010

Medical Malpractice Sample

Beauty of Autumn

For birthdays I've forgotten the Schenki but now have made up self.
Fabrice Lieber we wish you all the love all subsequent to the 4th Birthday.

Credits: Kit "Beauty of Autumn", by "high four designs," Pic by Jana V.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Do Babies Eyes Recover From Flash

Balisa Challenge # 15 ~ Newspapers ~ to 30.10.2010

Hi dear friends Balisa's Challenge!

Sorry for the delay.

is here already die nächste BaLiSa Challenge!


lautet die Vorgabe dieses mal!
Verarbeitet einen Teil einer Zeitung als HG Papier,
oder vielleicht als Blömsche?
Oder ihr habt vielleicht ein Motiv mit Zeitung?

Ich bin mir sicher, das ihr da ganz viele tolle Werke
zaubern werdet!

Lasst euch einfach von unseren DT & GD Werken inspirieren!


Die Werke unserer GastDesigner:

design team works

From Jopa

By Doreen

From Inge

From Bubble

From Kiki

love From sunshine

Friday, October 15, 2010

Risperidone Depot Stay

Fly on its own wings

Credits: Ki t "Fly on its own wings" by "Fanette" Pics by Mandy

Digital Camera Diagram Of Parts


Credits: Kit "Colours of Autumn" by "Golden Sun Design", Pic by Jenny

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Trinuma Building Instructions

Challenge # 14 ~ extension


Because of my technical dozy,
I inlinkz for 14 to Balisa Challenge
once again open to 15.10.2010 at 23:59

The start of the 15th Balisa Challenge moves
therefore a few days!

We look forward to more works from you!

grüßle "scatterbrain" Anke

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How To Steal From Coin Washing Machine


This time the love has
Daggi over to build a great temp.

And that's my panel:

Credits: Kit "Magical Light" by "Laura," WA by Feli, Temp by Daggi, Pics by me