Monday, January 31, 2011

Electric Box Ipod Level 26

Balisa Challenge 22 ~ Sketch ~ to 13/02/2011

Hello love her!

Many, many thanks for your great works for
Balisa Challenge 21!
madness ... so many great posts! You guys are GREAT!

it goes on to the 22nd Balisa Challenge!
on nights two weeks we want to see you a
Square Map following sketch of
Stefanie :


design team works
With a click on the name of the designer,
you come to her blog and you can look at her!

Gay Cruising In Devon

January 2011 winner

Hello love her!
So, I've just created neatly list all attendee names
, cut, folded ...
mixed well and then take a note of Neele leave.

This is the card of the winners in January Balisa Challenges ...

Yes ... you read that right ...
we have a male winner in January!

I congratulate gaaaaaaanz dolle
the love Olaf / hero Link
his win!

Balisa love visitors and participants ...
you please have a look at Olaf to ....
on one or the other comment
he will be happy for sure!


The next challenge will only start tonight ...
I unfortunately right now, "upload banned" have! And then go
we my dad birthday!

Just take this evening by again! The
Balisa Challenge team is looking forward to seeing you!

knuddelz * * Anke

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How To Put In Pokemon Gamesharkon Crystal

Sweet Time

Schenki A little love for Anne
while a user challenge at the dwarves.
It should create a LO jigsaw.
The puzzle I'm using Nadine and TUT created I have left some nerves but no thanks Nadine abandoned THANK you again

Credits:..! Kit "Dreaming Blue" by "Bellisaedesign", Pic by Anne

Caffeine Starbucks Hot Chocolate

NRW's industrial and political Socialists mobilize

Whether SPD / IGBCE, Bayer's Werner Wenning Altvorstand, div IHKen - led by Chamber President Ulrich Lehner, the same also his former employer, Henkel brings to the front - and alarmists of all kinds, which lies in the Düsseldorf-declarations " given: Together, they take a new enemy in the eye, the "Wutbürger" which, although it wants to fly aircraft but is not prepared to CO poison-gas pipeline to bring its settlement against the desired "acceptance".

But why this works in this illustrious group of all CO pipeline project of Bayer AG - Total investment of EUR 50 million - from? Irrational, almost fanatical ...

's industrial policy as this major project Line surely not in earnest. And what a mixed company like Henkel? Or speak for whom the ICC's and Mr. Lehner anyway? For its compulsory members about?

mismanagement, policy failures and Planungsarroganz the exporting authority but are in the socialization of the risk of violence for a chemical oligopolists excluded from the outset. No, that is, this alliance of industry and political Socialists did not think - otherwise you would have to be even more into question.

Bayer needs carbon monoxide (CO) in Krefeld Uerdingen, so why logically placed a steam reformer in Uerdingen, the largest polycarbonate group location? That would only be logical, but apparently not for the Bayer management. As they say but rather by a high cost: Once the imported coal is too expensive, then it is the natural gas and the island location of the site Uerdingen worth it compared to Shanghai not ... anyway, disinformation to method.

is basically in NRW everything anyway too expensive, especially the staff. It is retained because of the good old days in NRW - is the message - something concessions from politics and administration should already have in there, otherwise you're out of here. Oligopolists hate the market! The

tried so intimidated as misinformed state parliament in Dusseldorf, the supposedly to prevent the worst, and waving the project CO pipeline "for the public good" by Bayer please be kind to us.

Good bye, the Düsseldorf parliament and the reintroduction of the death penalty. Just as long as NRW will remain in the scope of the Basic Law, this law would be simply unconstitutional. Unfortunately, the most likely to take on the RohrlG: For the benefit of the general public a CO line may well redound little. Unless you never went into operation.

Finally, the problem of the executive branch, here in the form of the Düsseldorf district government under RP Jürgen Büssow. Can you please read the plan approval process.

Example? Here: Pipeline Route in the south of Duisburg

Four! Was a choice of routes. All four followed the existing gas pipeline routes. In three cases, settlements were touched on, or crossed. In the fourth but the pipeline would run through the CO-free field. Which version came into play as well?

Despite massive public objections, as all parties had to be clear that it can not go on like this, since even common sense is against it, the pipeline route was chosen by the settlements.

Note: Only windmills in North Rhine-Westphalia to 1500 m distance from residential buildings hold - that the FDP has provided ... Awesome!

A district government darf nicht machen was sie will. Und wenn die politische Kontrolle hierzu nicht stattfindet und grob fahrlässig – oder ist das schon Vorsatz? - existenzielle Belange der Bürger übergangen werden, dann sollte klar sein, wo hier der Hund begraben liegt.

Doch statt sich endlich seiner Verantwortung zu stellen – der politische Neuanfang nach den Wahlen 2010 macht es doch möglich - heult sich die NRW Nomenklatura durch Neujahrsempfänge und imaginiert einen „Wutbürger“, dem man flugs die Folgen des eigenen Versagens in die Schuhe zu schieben sucht.

Fortsetzung einer Politik des laufenden Schwachsinns!

Die CO-Giftgasleitung gehört - gemäß dem Verursacherprinzip - Demolished at the cost of NRW (if a dismantling of the settlements is not). Bayer should funerals in case "CO-Pipeline" still, it was the Wenning (mis) management which not only the route of matter was, but the policy for years demonstrates, by simply in need of any plan established guidelines disregarded.

In the meantime, the CO pipeline for Bayer is declared to be obsolete, as with the planned world-scale polyurethane plant in Dormagen anyway no carbon monoxide is left for the "island republic Uerdingen.

It's time to NRW in politics again for the citizens and not on call of socially managers responsible freedom that only an anonymous shareholder are required. One thing is certain: an owner-operator would not have happened a CO gas line.

Friday, January 14, 2011

How Do You Delime A Dishwasher?

Balisa Challenge 21 ~ anything but a card ~ to 01/30/2011

Hello love her!

Many, many thanks for your great works
Balisa for Challenge 20!

it goes on to the 21st Balisa Challenge!
on nights two weeks we want to see
of you

all ... NOT only card, o)


design team works
With a click on the name of the designer,
it comes to their blog and you can look at her!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What Brownies Old Name Was

Illumat after volley

This week was a small contribution to the illustration on automatic Salve TV, three of our signatories provide information in the interview.

Here you can items, visit: click !

Friday, January 7, 2011

Post Traumatic Hydrocele

Weihnachtswichteln bei den Zwergen ...

... the 2nd
I gescrapt with. Imp My child was the love Ina and her little man Luis!
Credits: "Little Farm" by " High four Design"

Credits: "Santa Claus" by " Agnesingap"

Credits: " Because of you" by " Manue Design"

Credits " Fly on its own wings" by " Fanette"

Credits "Painted Christmas" by " High four Design"

Ich hoffe auch ich konnte Ina eine Freude bereiten !!!

Gay Dogging In N.ireland

Weihnachtswichteln bei den Zwergen ...

... war auch 2010 wieder angesagt.
Ich habe von der lieben Sarah 4 faaaaaar get Lo's great.
Sarah Scrapblog

QP by Sandra Milie

a present by Thal Iris

Credits: "One Beautiful Day" by Natalie Design

Credits: "Early Winter" by "Steph Design

THANK YOU, dear Sarah, we have very Lo's your pleasure!